TMJD Treatment

The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the hinge-like joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull and can be prone to issues known as TMJD or TMD.

What is TMJD: Overview, Causes, and Treatment

The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the hinge-like joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull and can be prone to issues known as TMJD or TMD. TMJD may be caused by grinding of teeth, clenching of the jaw, head and neck misalignment, or trauma to the face and jaw.

Symptoms can include pain in the joints and muscles around your mouth, headaches, facial tenderness, and a limited opening for chewing. You may also experience a clicking or popping sound when you open and close your jaw.

There are different treatment options available for TMJD, including massage therapy, mouth guards, and surgery in extreme circumstances.

What causes TMJD?

There are many potential causes of TMJD, including:

  • Trauma or injury to the jaw; can cause jaw muscles to spasm, leading to grinding or clenching of the teeth at night.
  • Misaligned teeth; can be hereditary or caused by an accident.
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth due to an injury to the jaw, arthritis in the joint, or stress and anxiety
  • Poor posture, such as leaning or twisting your neck for long periods.
  • Arthritis. The temporomandibular joint becomes inflamed and swollen, causing locking, popping, pain around the jaw, and headaches.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of TMJD, it is important to see a dentist or doctor for an evaluation. They will determine the cause of your TMJD and create a treatment plan that best suits your needs. If you are seeking TMJD therapy in Brentwood, call us at University District Dental. We are a family dentist located in the new community of University District. Call us at (587) 391-7373 or fill out the [contact form].


There are many different treatments available for TMJD. Some common treatments include:

  • Medications recommended by your dentist such as painkillers or muscle relaxants to help relieve symptoms.
  • Physical or massage therapy are often used to help manage TMJD issues. Facial massages can help reduce muscle tension around the jaw and face, which relieves pain associated with TMJD. Massage therapists are also trained in postural assessments that may reveal improper habits or positions related to teeth clenching during sleep.
  • BOTOX injections. This treatment can reduce pain and muscle spasms around the jaw.
  • Orthodontic treatment to correct misaligned teeth and realign the jaw. These treatments may include braces, headgear, or retainers.
  • Dental appliances such as a mouth guard to protect your teeth from grinding. Mouthguards are made of hard plastic and fit over your upper teeth, and they can be custom-made by a dentist, or you can buy one over-the-counter.
  • Surgery for more severe TMJD problems. Surgery options may include:
    • Arthroscopy: A surgical procedure that uses a tiny camera and light placed into the joint through a small incision allowing the surgeon to see inside the joint and repair any damage.
    • Joint replacement: If severe arthritis is present, the surgeon may replace the damaged joint with an artificial one.

Mouthguards-A simple solution!

A mouthguard is a device worn over the upper teeth to protect them from grinding and clenching during sleep. Mouthguards are made of hard plastic and fit over your upper teeth. They can be custom-made by a dentist, or you can buy one over-the-counter.

Mouthguards are a simple solution for people who grind their teeth and can also be used by people with TMJD. The pressure from grinding wears away the protective layer of a tooth until it is worn down to a sensitive pulp or nerve in some cases. This pain is often severe enough that sufferers develop headaches that turn into tension migraines due to muscle clenching around the jaw.

Mouthguards protect your teeth from grinding by absorbing the force of the impact. They also help keep your jaw in a relaxed position, which can reduce pain and muscle spasms around the jaw.

If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJD, be sure to speak with your dentist about whether a mouthguard would be beneficial for you. If you don't have a family dentist, a simple web search for "TMJ therapy University of Calgary" will produce a list of dentists in your area. If you are specifically looking for a mouthguard, search 'mouthguards nearby' for a specific list of dentists and retailers near you.

At University District Dental, we are committed to providing comprehensive dental care for your entire family. Our friendly and experienced general dentist, Dr. Safina Jetha-Kurji, and her team are eager to help you on the road to a healthy smile.

If you are in the new community of University District, stop by and say hello! We are located at 3107 Thirsk St NW, Calgary, AB. Our phone number is (587) 391-7373. Call us today to book a consult or find out about the services we offer. You can book an appointment via email at or by filling out the [contact form]. We look forward to meeting you!

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Give us a call at (587) 391-7373 with any questions or use our convenient online booking tool to make an appointment today!